Reliable Direct Mail Solutions
Since 1967

Grow Your Sales with Affordable Direct Mail

Did you need that one little nudge to make up your mind and start mailing New Homeowners so your business can grow its sales and bring in new customers who just moved in from at least 10-15 miles away and don’t know your business yet?Well, that nudge comes courtesy of the United States Postal Service, […]

Small and New Businesses – Who Do You Trust?

A recent study done by Alignable – a small business social network, shows which companies, service providers and ultimately, products, are on Small Business owners minds and who they think helps them expand their brand recognition and their relationships nurtured. These results make you question and re-evaluate how businesses, specifically small and new businesses, build […]

Affordable Housing – National Report From NLIHC

In the annual report Out of Reach, released by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, an alarm is raised about the high cost of renting in America in 2016. In the report released Wednesday, the focus is the availability of affordable housing. By the coalition’s definition, this is defined as housing and utilities that do not cost […]

Today’s First Time Homeowners …. Older And Single

These data should definitely grab the attention of brands and marketers everywhere, as it seems the profile of home buyer is changing along with changes in our nation’s demographics and society. Today’s first-time home buyer is older and more likely to be single than first-time home buyers in the 1970s and 1980s, according to a […]

Housing Market; Marketing to New Homeowners

A decade after the onset of the Great Recession, the national housing market is finally returning to normal. With incomes rising and household growth strengthening, the housing sector is poised to become an important engine of economic growth. But not all households and not all markets are thriving, and affordability pressures remain near record levels. […]

More New Homeowners Pay In Cash

Cash sales are one the rise in the competitive housing market, significantly above historic levels, according to Freddie Mac’s monthly Outlook for August. Mortgage origination is decreasing due to the increase in cash sales, the report showed. While not popular among home buyers, the highly competitive market is driving more buyers toward cash sales. “Usually, […]

TCPA – Telemarketing Consumer Protection Act

Introduction On October 16, 2013, new FCC regulations will go into effect that introduce the requirement of prior express written consent for certain types of commercial phone calls and text messages to consumers. Among other things, the new rules require that marketers have prior express written consent to autodial or send pre-recorded messages to cell […]

Direct Mail Works: Tech Helps Traditional Direct Marketing

Direct Mail Background Direct mail may sound old-fashioned and outdated in today’s technological world, but if we only utilized new forms of advertising, there would be no Super Bowl ads — or TV ads, period (television has been airing for the masses since the 1940s). There would be no radio ads (America has been listening […]